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We are a bit competitive here at RAW. Driving real results for you and your brand is critical to our success and well-being, and why we put so much emphasis on go-to-market strategies. For some clients, success comes in the form of social media shares, brand awareness or response rates to an email campaign. For most, it means driving customers to take action. We work collaboratively to fully understand your goals and define metrics for success upfront. Ensuring a strong return-on-investment and meeting defined goals are the heart and soul of what we do for clients every day.

Our marketing services include:

  • Annual marketing plans
  • Go-to-market strategies
  • Social & digital strategies
  • Implementation & execution
  • Public relations
  • Sales strategy integration
  • Sales tools
  • Email & reach back campaigns
  • Content marketing
  • Collateral
  • Social posts
  • Blog posts
  • Corporate communications
  • Web copy
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At RAW, we take a holistic approach to the brand process. Your brand is not your logo, tagline or mission statement (although those are all elements of your brand expression). Your brand is the essence, the heart, of your company or product. It is what you and you alone can say and what makes you truly unique in the market. Once your brand is defined, and you can clearly articulate WHO you are and what makes you different than any of your competitors, everything else begins to fall in line.

Our comprehensive branding process has helped start ups in their quest to find their place in the market. It has helped bring clarity and focus to mergers and acquisitions. It has helped companies who are celebrating milestone anniversaries redefine themselves. It has helped successful longstanding companies introduce new products or services. And everything in between.

Our branding services include:

  • Brand discovery
  • Brand messaging
  • Vision, mission and values development
  • Brand architecture
  • Brand research
  • Market analysis
  • Competitive analysis
  • Collateral audits
  • Pricing strategies
  • Alignment with business strategy
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Employee & Customer Experience

Getting to know and understand your customers and employees and what motivates them is one the most fun and rewarding things we do at RAW. Our definition of customer experience is broad and all encompassing. We know employees are as much a “customer” of your brand as anyone, and understanding your employees aids not only in retention and recruitment, but ultimately your customer experience. Our agency President has a unique gift in conducting focus groups and customer experience interviews that allows RAW’s clients to benefit from the powerful knowledge of what is really happening inside (and outside) the business.

Our customer experience services include:

  • Employer brand & employee experience
  • Employee engagement
  • Recruitment marketing
  • Incorporating your brand into recruitment & hiring
  • Employee surveys & focus groups
  • Internal communications
  • Customer journey mapping
  • Customer loyalty programs
  • End-to-end client satisfaction process
  • Client satisfaction interviews & surveys

Learn more about our employee focus groups